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Shakti Plastics: Enabling A Circular Plastics Value Chain
作者姓名:Ahaana Mahanti, Sanjana Gorti
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:W27328
出版日期:2022/06/21內容長度:17 頁

In February 2021, the managing director of The Shakti Plastics Industries (Shakti) was facing challenges related to the Indian government’s announcement of a complete ban by 2022 on single-use plastic—a key item that Shakti had been recycling through technological innovations over the previous few decades. The company was eager to support the government’s vision of enabling a circular plastics economy. However, changes in the regulatory landscape .....more

Shakti Plastics: Enabling A Circular Plastics Value Chain - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Ahaana Mahanti, Sanjana Gorti
出版日期:2022/06/21內容長度:15 頁

Teaching note for product W27328.